Liu Xia, the widow of Chinese Nobel Peace Prize-winning political dissident Liu Xiaobo, has made her first formal appearance since leaving China. She attended an event in New York on September 26, 2018, and spoke briefly about her late husband. Liu Xia relocated to Germany in July after spending the better part of a decade under house arrest in China.
Petr Pavel: Ex-general beats populist rival in Czech election
January 30, 2023
Source: BBC News / / By Rob Cameron in Prague and Maria Zaccaro in London / Retired Nato general Petr Pavel has been elected
The National Security Archive salutes the distinguished Czech scholar, partner and inspiration for the Archive, on his 90th birthday: “Na zdraví!”
January 11, 2023
Source: National Security Archive / / By Tom Blanton and Malcolm Byrne / Washington, D.C., January 9, 2023 – The National Security Archive today
Putting Ideas Behind Bars: Here’s Why It Doesn’t Work
January 6, 2023
Source: Political Violance at a glance / / By Christoph Dworschak and Christoph V. Steinert / We tried to bury them—we didn’t know they