Our Vasek. The Power of the Powerless.

Our Vasek. The Power of the Powerless. (2012, 52 min)

Spotkanie na granicy dzialaczy polskiej i czechoslowackiej opozycji


Bohemian National Hall
321 East 73rd Street
New York, NY 10021

Tickets for $10 at www.nypff.com or for $12 at the door before screening.

Q & A with the film’s director Krystyna Krauze after the screening.

This film, which was initiated by Polish filmmakers, introduces viewers to how Vaclav Havel was viewed “next door”. In Poland, too, Havel was considered an important person and a symbol. The film sheds light on the little-known relationship between the Polish and Czech opposition and offers a unique testimony on the meetings and actions that helped to bring down the totalitarian regimes in Europe.

With music by The Plastic People of the Universe, Psi vojaci, Pavel Hrubes, Jaroslav Hutka and Marta Kubisova.

Presented by: New York Polish Film Festival and Vaclav Havel Library Foundation, supported by Bohemian Benevolent & Literary Association and Vaclav Havel Library