Katerina Jacques’ words: “Quarter of a century after the fall of totalitarianism, Ivan Havel (Havel’s brother) and his wife Dagmar stare into the face of the police who prevent them from entering the Prague Castle. Dagmar and Ivan arrived as one of the first people and police officers did not even realize that they barred the way to the brother and sister-in-law of our post-revolutionary president. They probably did not even know that they denied us the constitutional right to freedom of expression and assembly. The Havel’s weren’t theatrical, they experienced the same situations many times during the Bolshevik times. No journalist noticed them, but for me they were the heroes of that day. Absurd drama that wasn’t written by Havel but in which he played brilliantly.”
May 16, 2024
Spring Reading series | May 17 – June 3, 2024 The 2024 Rehearsal for Truth International Theater Festival’s Spring Readings will take place from May
Annual Gala Reception: LIVING IN TRUTH
October 3, 2023
Bohemian Benevolent and Literary Association & Vaclav Havel Library Foundation invite you to Annual Gala Reception: LIVING IN TRUTH with host Lesley Stahl and some
Nina Armstrong, of Georgetown University, will participate in the Encounters – an international festival of theater schools organized by JAMU, Brno.
May 31, 2023
Nina Armstrong is one of two winners of the 2023 Contest for the Best Mini-Drama with her play entitled Care. The play subtly depicts the