Havel the Artist, Havel the Citizen – Interviews at Columbia University

In an interview in 2006, Lou Reed, the New York musician, who influenced many rock and punk bands that followed him, confessed: “A heroic intellectual, music loving person, amazing person named President Vaclav Havel, and getting to meet him and talk to him over the years has been a wondrous thing for me. I consider myself really lucky to know him.”

In the Havel Archives, see restored interviews on Vaclav Havel with outstanding American artists, politicians, academics, and other figures of public life. Listen to Edward Albee, Milos Forman, President George H.W. Bush, George Soros, Lou Reed, and many others contemplate on Havel’s nature, achievements, and what it was like to meet him.

The interviews come from an online resource prepared by the Columbia Center for New Media Teaching and Learning (CCNMT) for Havel’s residency at Columbia University: http://havel.columbia.edu/

CCNMTL was founded at Columbia University in 1999 to enhance teaching and learning through the purposeful use of new media and technology. More info at: http://welcome.ccnmtl.columbia.edu/