Havel: A Life

Michael Zantovsky introduced the biography Havel: A Life at the Bohemian National Hall on November 11, 2014.

Zantovsky, the current ambassador to the United Kingdom, former press secretary and longtime friend of Havel was interviewed by David Remnick, Pulitzer Prize winning author, journalist, and editor of The New Yorker magazine.

Havel’s heroism, his writings as well as the political situation in the region of East Central Europe and encounters with Mikhail Gorbachev were discussed.

Co-presented with Grove Atlantic and the Bohemian Benevolent & Literary Association.

From the press:

The Guardian, November 28, 2014

The New Yorker, December 1, 2014
David Remnick, Havel in Jerusalem

The Wall Street Journal, December 6, 14
James Kirchick, Vaclav Havel: Disturber of the Peace

The New York Times, December 26, 2014
Sunday Book Review